It's all a matter of personal preference and playstyle, mess aroud with it and find what work best for you. While hunting the landscape and solo leveling, I tended to run some others like Justice, Loyalty and Determination along with Innocence and Zeal. When fighting bosses in Skirms, Instances and Raids it may be more desirable to have that Phy/Tac mitigation stacked up high as you can get it.

I switch mine up from time to time depending on the situation, (By level Cap you won't need any Stat Traits and will be looking for mits/defences) now that you can adjust selected Virtues on the fly and don't have to goto town and pay a Bard it's much easier to change them. Innocence, Compassion, Charity, Zeal, Tolerance, Honour and Fidelity are a few). Determination(Agility) trait for Wardens) and going with mitigation Virtues the rest of the way (i.e. Typically what I hear and see is most people choosing one main stat Trait (i.e. You may wish to keep this in mind when choosing gear options and stacking your stats. Our number one stat as Wardens is Agility (Mouse over the stats in your character panel and it will give you an idea of each stats relavant importance), followed by, in my opinion, Vitality, Fate & Might. They can do a variety of things for our stats and abilities and it would be wise for you to level these up and utilize them as you grow. So be kind and understanding with your fellow and remember you are all there to enjoy the game and have fun.Virtues are a very important aspect of LotRO, often overlooked. Keep in mind that people have different connections, computer performances, play style, family around…and all of these may cause some interference while playing in groups.

share your knowledge of the area and bosses.lead the way but dont impose the rithym.explain the expected roles to beginners.respect the instructions from seasoned players.pay attention to the fellowship chat window.ask about the role you are expected to play.So here comes some basic etiquette pointers for a pleasant stroll, with kinnies, inside the most dagerous places in middle-earth.

And it is exactly at that point where many misunderstandings can happen. Even the most solo player will have, at some point, to join a fellowship to run instances and raids.